

Shitty times ahead. Just wait a little bit longer.

29.1.2025- 3.02.2025

I totally forgot about you, sorry. Well... You guys... What can I tell you?

Some shit fucking awful times are ahead. Expect delays, money not coming in, celery not being payed, rents being late. Expect the supermarkets to be empty and you full of waiting until one day you focus on your energy, close your eyes and you say: "I am shifting to my desired reality." now you count to a hundred, every 10th step you visualize how your desired reality looks like. Your perfect job, your perfect partner, your dream car. Every tenth step something else. A vacation you want to do, a place you want to live at. When you are at 100 you say: "When I open my eyes, I am in my desired reality." when you are ready, you open your eyes. Now get ready for one more awful day and now you rocket to the sky. Your entire life turns upside down and God will step in. You take a breath and you listen to your body. Don`t do what doesn't feel right. Be crazy with your decision making, meet with a priest, talk to an old friend, experience being yourself. And Hey! Buy some of Chiara`s books. They will help you.

Get them here

13.01.2025- 20.01.2025

This week many things will change pretty drastically, get ready for the change and don't be scared just go with it. Many opportunities will be falling in your lap, all you have to do is recognize them and take the initiative once you can feel it in your stomach. Just do it, don't be scared. These changes are all good, everyone who was bad for you was removed from your life so whoever stuck around until now is good for you. However always be mindful, don't run into anything if you don't feel comfortable with it, but do set a boundary. If you don't set the boundary, how would they know?

Talk to god, she misses you.

Love you, read you next week.

6.01.2025- 13.01.2025

This week is a sick week and by that I mean literally. Many illnesses go through and you guys are waking up to your insides. Not only are you learning this week how to set boundaries you are also learning how to accept boundaries. One more thing: Give up, give it up. Stop the chasing, stop the running, just give up and get in your bed, call in sick, don't play the hero, just give it up you are not on this world to perform or conform, you are on this planet to be your most authentic self. Be it, we need you.

30.12.2024- 05.01.2025

My friends this year will be crazy. Do be expecting everything please, it will be a lot. Karma is very strong this year and the universe will be quite clear with wether or not you are on the right way, so keep on looking for the signs and learn numerology, this will be how we are communicating with you. In general go start doing some witchcraft, you`ll need it.

Read you next week, bye.

23.12.2024- 29.12.2024

Merry Christmas suckers.

16.12.2024 - 22.12.2024

You guys, great work. Thank you so much. For the rest of this year keep on preparing, I know you are yearning for a break but it's not the time right now for it. Get into your feelings, do the art. You are actually doing so very okay and I believe in you so much. I know you are feeling alone and restless, the timing is just so perfectly on time right now.

These last days may have felt very heavy since the full moon is in full power, the full moon will free you, after this moon comes a period of freedom and the feeling of a bird. All the old will be gone. Some of you have partners by your side that are snakes, look at them close, they are new and have some type of very significant face piercing, don't let them fool you to stick to your old ways. You wanted to change, change. Know that right now, god is heavily testing you, if you are ready for your manifestations so it is so important to align with what you want and pass the tests. Snakes coming in your life promising you easy and fast money, easy and fast solutions to your problems are the test, don't let them fool you, you will fall flat on your face. Sometimes when it seems too good to be true it is because it's simply not true.

Those of you that hold power over their heart, be careful with it they are soft.


Finish that book, get into moving there is still some things to get out of this year. No more tower moments, don't worry.

One last thing:

It is not your fault.

I promise you, them leaving was not your fault.


Remember that now. Turn to the preachers, they are a better source even if they seem too far away to turn to them, your old ways will pull you deeper in the guilt. You have to feel the guilt so you can understand that it wasn't your fault and the thing that this guilt made you do, you can ask for forgiveness, not them but yourself. If you feel it, it will be over 90 seconds then you are safe from it breathe through it, straight through the pain, you got this my love. Don't worry.


Turn to the unfortunate events of Chiara, never be shy to write us a private message for any needed answers. For today I am adding a messenger possibility under this, just give me a fake name and some spam mail address I know you don't want me to know who you are.

I really just want to help you with the best intentions in mind, I feel your emergency. I know it's urgent, ask me, I will help you to find the right way.


Love you babe, the sun will rise again, don't worry, don't worry one bit. Christmas she will be in your arms, New Years you will kiss her, everything will be okay.

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

2.12.2024 - 8.12.2024

This might hurt my friends. The spiritual world is opening up to you, there are some kundalini moments coming up.

I need you witches to do something for me:

This week before you go to bed every night, you imagine how the whole world, every single human being wakes up and sees what we see every day. You really feel how their third eye opens and suddenly they are awake and than you say: "So mote it be Let them see.". Just some homework for y'all.


You see it is good news when the towns people think you are crazy, they are stuck, you are moving. But in order to change this world effortlessly, we must all wake up and see that there is more to life than wrongly filled out tax sheets and vocab test therapy. There is more to it than  miscommunication and embarrassment.

The world can be easy and everyone must see. You must not only wake them up but also walk away from them, it will not be easy and they will try to cling on us again. You will get something better, let the dead, be dead. Of course until now they didn't want to wake up, they thought it would make them crazy, like us. They didn't want the soft launch, let them have it, it's their Karma.

But now we must leave them no more chance, we turn their light on and let them see.

Thank you witches, for your participation.

This week will in acknowledgment of what's about to happen be a tad crazy. The once who are pure of heart will see how their plants grow. Stay safe out there and take a hermit mode when you need it. Many energies are on the run. Sunday it will take a peak and stay crazy for the rest of the year. I promise you, Christmas will be chill.


Welcome to the spiritual world in which your manifestations will manifest within seconds. Stop being a dog that begs for chocolate. Eat the fruit.

I promise you, once the week hits the sunset, you will be okay. They will not be okay, so don't worry my love. Keep on keeping on, you are doing god`s work.


Read you next week for our Rudyskope.

25.11.2024 - 1.12.2024

Welcome back my friends.


Energies have been very heavy lately, humans are in the last cycle this year. For some of you I need you to take initiative and make that crazy decision, this applies to the once of you, whose heart is closed. Those whose heart is open, I need you to take a step back and stop being so hard on yourself. You are beating yourself up for not being good enough, when what matters is what you do, not what you did. Stay with me now.


For all of you, the rest of this year is gonna be a bumpy ride and I would love to tell you the rest of this week will be chill but no it will not. Many changes are coming your way and that will be overwhelming at first. Watch out over the way ahead of you, make sure you don't fall flat on your face. The universe will be pretty clear with her signs. Check for numerology, the numbers you see right now hold a lot of significance. There is an exited time coming, open your heart chakra and breath in it. The world will be a kind place soon again even if it is pretty rough right now. You guys have won the spiritual war, now it is time to translate all of your visions and dreams in the physical world. Should you feel lost, check for direction within, take a shower and meditate until you have found the awnser.

For those seeking for love, I am sorry baby but try again next year, this is not gonna be it. This mercury retrograde a lot of exes will come back and you will reach out to a lot of exes, but don't get tied down on anything until New Years eve but do make sure you have someone to kiss once the clock hits zero.


Get a Donut and a Coffe, you will feel better than.

Love you, read you next week.

Your devoted T-Rex, Rudy.

Browse through the old Rudyskopes:

Week 22.04.2024

Rudyskope 22.04.2024- 28.04.2024

Hey babe. How are you?

A bunch of goodbyes and hellos later. Last week ended with a loss, now there is space for new great things, and you will get them all.

This week get in motion. Get this job, start the business, kiss them, send that text, ask them out. This week will teach you that nothing comes to you for free, you have to ask for it.

The good news is that for whatever you will ask this week you will be granted. You will get a yes whatever you ask, whoever you ask and however you ask.

This week you will get a YES. So be wise with what you ask for, you might just get it.

Read you next week, I love you. Adios. (kiss, kiss)

Week 15.04.2024

Rudyskope 15.04.2024- 21.04.2024


Baby, baby baby. This week use your magic. Start a butterfly effect, use your powers to make this world a better place. Ask yourself the question: What tiny little thing can I do to make this situation more weird, more chaotic, more funny? Give it a trial and error complex here.

How do you make other people laugh? How do I start a butterfly effect and what can I do to show the love that is in my heart.

It is tiny little things that we can do that starts a whole domino effect.

So for this week my tip: Be weird, be strange, be an alien, be different, let them judge you.

Let it be and be weird. Get high and read some poetry, for example this book or this book. Get high and read in general. The best thing you can do always.

Be weird, help someone carry heavy bags home, do someone a favor for no reason at all, drive someone to the supermarket. This is the week of the rainbow, the butterflies, the fairies and the magic. Do good and you will feel good.

Love you, bye.

Week 8.04.2024



We have the week 8.04.2024- 14.04.2024

It is time for you to take this jump. But not right now, now I need you to get ready to jump. This week is pretty similar to the Rocky intro, running up the stairs, boxing all that stuff.

Stick with physical movement and do a lot of it this week, dance, run, lift weights, get it moving and get all this out. Move as much as you can. Walk, walk until your feet fall off, get it moving babe.


For this reason I also need you to prioritize eating, eat well and eat a lot this week. Just do very much of moving and very much of eating. Your brain is busy manifesting and your thoughts will overwhelm you as soon as you stop moving. So if those thoughts get too much, get up and move. Walk around your room, listen to your favorite song and dance,  move and eat, move and eat, move and eat.

Be smarter than your own brain.

You got this babe, I love you.

Read you next week.


Week 01.04.2024




Okay, Okay I lied to you last week. You all had a pretty shit week, no one is free of karmic luggage, that is life babes. You are free of it. I hope you put in some work and now you might be feeling like your head is about to fucking explode. I need you to stay calm this week. Anger is in the air (change, it is change)

Take a lot of breaks, take a lot of calming breaths and just try to not hurt yourself.

Read a book for example the pirates poems or if you speak German you could read die unglücklichen Missgeschicke von einer Ritterin und einem Dinosaurier (English version available soon).

There is a lot of heavy energy this week and the weather is changing so you might be experiencing migraines and stomach problems, things are moving around a lot and the world is in pain.

You are very sensible this week and thin skinned. Remember that it`s okay, let this uncomfortableness sit and exist. It is because you are learning so much right now and because you are manifesting so much too. It is okay I promise you. Try and make some friends and  have a good cry in between.

I love you and if you need me just say: “Hey Rudy!” and I will be there babes.

Love you, read you next week.

Click here for a surprise.

Week 24.03.2024




Uh, uh, uhhh baby this is the week! Yes this is it, the week you have been waiting for, this is what you get. Watch closely at your gifts this week because this is the week were all your efforts will be seen. Now if you`ve been naughty, expect a left hook, if you`ve been good expect gifts.

Meaning this week is judgement day, the stars have shifted, wind is in the east and your chimneys will be swept within a day. Speaking full on in riddles right now ey? I know, I know. We will talk next week when you know what I mean.

Just prepare for a very big, workful, exciteful, emotional rollercollercoaster, full 360 spin week. There will be global changes around the world, Sunday will be a new wind, new news, new shiny things on the horizon because overall this week is gonna give you hope.

We are not always the master of our destiny, sometimes it is out of our hands, sometimes it is decided for you, I know that to be true, yes I do. Circumstances can be cruel, trust me, it will soon be okay, the dying will have an end, there is peace just on the horizon. And if you should be hanging on a thread, hold on tighter, just hold on. We are strengthening the people you need to save you, so if you cannot save yourself, help is on the way. We will talk next week. And just well, brace yourself.

Spent Monday doing some cleanses, do not work or manifest, put that phone away, put all the electronic devices away, just for a day and spent the day with yourself. Clear your mind and meditate. Tuesday to Sunday will be full, full, full, full. Take this nothing Monday, you will thank yourself later.

And than enjoy your blessings babe. I love you. 

Week 18.03.2024


Week: 18.03.2024- 25.03.2024


I have nothing for you to do this week, you have no homework, no job, nothing that you have to do. You are super tired and kinda nauseous right now, right? Feeling dizzy and stressed little thing bring you to the edge? Yup that’s cause the energy is shifting a lot and you gotta follow the flow this week. Do whatever comes to you, help a friend and be gentle, we are all a little bit on edge right now. If it feels as if your life is not real, ground yourself. Walk barefoot and get into creation, write poems on the beach and get into placement. Maybe some colors and a good book will help. But remember this week not to take things seriously, it is a long week for all of us but I promise you Sunday will come and by next Monday there is a wave of energy and almost forceful creative energy coming in. Trust, that you will not miss a single opportunity this week, it just ain`t your best week but that’s super fine. Don`t force yourself to function, just take it slow, new moon is on the horizon.

Love you, you will get through this, bye.

Week 11.03.2024


Week 11.03.2024-17.03.2024


Hello friends, you are walking through the fog and feel lost as if you have not seen your feet in a while. Still I can feel you being confident and feeling as if you are strong enough for the challenges facing you. That is because you are, you are getting more and more coherent (read the Wednesday column to understand that word). I am proud of you. Keep on walking since you know, the fog is there because the air pressure is rising, the sun is on her way. A wave of sunshine and happiness is right on the horizon, that’s why there is fog. The times they are a changing and every change starts with fog.

So smile while walking through the unknown, enjoy the ride and promise me to trust me. I would never lie to you.

I am your best friend.


(By the way Knight Sam and my story will be available by Easter on amazon! Be pumped) (I know amazon is the enemy but a poor artist needs to get a good commission to being able to afford housing and amazon pays the best commission, I also told Chiara that this is biased but she has a point, she needs to live in order to laugh and love.)


Like I said, enjoy the fog baby, your spark is back and you will be so okay. I love you.

Week: 04.03.2024


We have the week 4.03.2024-10.03.2024


Ups, you forgot something. But what is it? Oh yeah, you forgot to believe in yourself. You forgot, that you can trust your intuition. May I remind you, that life is really not that serious at all, the capitalism, the patriarchy is forcing you to take life serious and to not fuck around. I want to encourage you to fuck around. Since being happy, regardless of what is trying to destroy you is the best protest. Showing you care in a way where it is good for you and for your community is the sincerest form of flattery. Start seeing life as a dance rather than a game, you cannot loose in a dance. You loose control every now and then but it is not about winning or losing, it´s about dancing.

It`s about feeling your limps move rhythmically, feeling the air flow through your hair when you twirl. Death is not the end and keeping humans alive way past their death date is creating more suffering. Pain is what destroys your life, death is a break, a change, a blessing in disguise. Working your finger to your bones will not save you from anything at all. Hate to break it to you but your worth is not determined by your work. You are worthy, even if you live on the street, do drugs the whole day and are nothing then a do-no-good, you are of worth. Even of your parents call you a disappointment, you are of worth. Even if you live off the state and have not one penny in your pockets, you are of worth.

Your life is worthy, regardless of who you are and so is everyone else’s. No one should be oppressed, destroyed, bombarded at night and day. We all deserve peace. And we can have it but fighting for peace will bring more war, stop the fight and get into communication. Talk to each other, speak about your feelings, your worries, whatever is keeping you up at night. Talk it out! The “workers class”, the not richest, the poorest, reclaim your power. How do the riches eat cake if there is no one to bake it for them?


If the richest would please report to the counsel. Your mother called. It`s bad, honey, it´s bad. You gotta face the consequences of your oppression, your reign is over, we are coming for you.

To finish what John Lennon and Joko Ono, Bob Marley, Martin Luther King, Jesus and Maria Magdalena have started. The war is over, that is an order not a question. It is over, stop the murder, you are killing us.

Well this was a bit serious today, make sure you spread the news, so the richest know I have invited them.

Richest of the richest, Chiara wants to talk to you. (Prepare yourself for a 46 pages long poem)

Read you next week and Steve Jobs? See you for a Coffe Date

Week: 26.02.2024


Week: 26.02.24-03.03.24


Now how was this week? Did you talk to a lot of strangers? I know you didn’t. I know a lot of strangers approached you but you were still a bit shy and did not really interact with them but a little bit. And I say: Wow, that is a step forward and I am proud of you. Take it one day at a time, you got this I know you do.


Now when it comes to this week, remember when I told you, that I will give you a heads up when it is time to get back into motions? No? Well it is time now, to kick your own ass. This fear and anger is holding you back, put it off for some time and get into motion, you gotta do what you gotta do now. Turn your brain back on and get your gold. Check every corner and make sure you don`t forget something okay baby?

Now go get it!

Read you next week.




Week: 19.02.2024-25.02.2024

I have a challenge for you this week, in order to heal the collective fear of the strange and unknown, I want you to talk to a bunch of strangers this week. Stop rolling your eyes, I know you are. 

It’s so easy! Ask them for tiny favors, smile at them, set boundaries and ask for cigarettes. Just get into communication, find out what vibes someone gives that is kind and what vibes someone gives who is not kind, ask them what perfume they use and what colors their eyes have. 

Challenge yourself to be more outgoing, next week we will reflect together how that felt. Life is not a game, it`s a dance and every now and than you should challenge yourself.

Okay people? Let’s do it, let us talk to strangers and open our bubble up.

For the advanced of you who talk to strangers frequently:

Ask strangers if they want to talk about god with you. How do they see god? the universe? challenge your own religion and spirituality.

Thank you read you next week, have fun!

Week 12.02.2024


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 12.02.24- 18.02.24.

I can hear you saying No, I can hear you saying No, no, no I cannot do this no more. I see you begging on your knees for some help. I know, you feel as if the world is breaking in on you, as if your life has no meaning and you have no power. It´s just a feeling my love. You might feel very manic or very depressed, anyways one side of the spectrum. This is a time of the extremes and as I have warned you before this will hold on for some time. I would love to tell you, you will feel better by Sunday but you probably won`t. Music is too loud, sounds are irritating, life is moving too fast, smoking and drinking seems to be the only help. You have to feel this feeling, the memories will haunt you, no matter how fast you run, they will outrun you. You have to face it even if it´s uncomfortable. If it gets to much, get some company, it will help. Surrounding yourself with fellow humans will make this pain hit less. You humans are going through this together, talk it out. Your communication is your greatest good.

And one more thing, you will be there for you every step of the way, say: “I am not going anywhere.” And stay by your side, you will be okay. You haven’t even seen a specter of how amazing your life is going to be. Keep up the good work, I promise you, it will be worth it. You will make it worth it.

You light up every room, just by your smile and I love you.

Read you next week.

Week 05.02.2024


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 5.2.24- 11.2.24.


Baby a time of loss is following, it is a time coming up were you will loose everything that does not align anymore. Prepare for some heartbreaks, prepare to loose relationships, friends, jobs, houses. I want you to know that following of this time there is a time of opportunities. So welcome every loss, know that what ever is walking out on you, whatever abandons you, is for your happiness, your goodness, your joy. Let it go and let it go with a bright smile in your face. Whenever love leaves, you leave the door open. You are kind and smart, and incredibly strong. We want you to learn the lesson of self abandonment. Everything and everyone can leave you in a minute but you know what? You are not going anywhere. You will stay there, right there for you, for yourself, by your side. You have showed up for you one million times and you will show up for you one million times more. This one thing you always wanted to do? This manifestion you have been waiting for? This is the push. This is you standing on top of a really cool water slide, you want to ride but are too scared to go, so someone pushes you off it and you slide it down. We will give you no choice, but to be brave.

So welcome loss, welcome making space, and my little sister, don`t shed no tears. No human, no cry, everything is gonna be better than amazing. In 3 months you will not even remember this pain. So celebrate it in your own unique way.


Bye. (Hit me up on for questions, I can also read your specific future ((for money, and a cookie))

Week 29.01.2024



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.

We have the week 29.01.24- 4.02.24


I need you to do something for me, again. I know I have asked this of you many times but I gotta ask again. Stay. I need you to stay, right there where you are. I need you to please don`t hurt yourself. Yes today and this following week will be hard and a lot and feel like the world is breaking in over your head, but I need you, I desperately need you. You are so important for this world, your voice matters so much, to me, to everyone. Yes it is alienating, but you can talk about your feelings, talk it off your chest. This horrible thoughts you are having, talk them out. I know, my love. I know.

I cannot prove you, that everything will be okay. And falling back into old habits might break your heart, but you already are so much farther than you have and you have not even met all the great opportunities. You have not felt your best, you yet still have so much way to go.

I know these thoughts and old habits are breaking you, but just stay. Like a workout, just stick through with it. Til the end.

I love you.

Read you next week.

Week 22.01.2024



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.

We have the week 22.01.24- 26.01.24

Feeling better there hm? Feeling like a new opportunity has unfolded it self? Right? Yeah the spring is here, do you smell it? In the air? Do you feel the peace flushing? In the next months you will realize how more and more problems dissolve and disappear. Have a little faith in me, will you? I want you to do what ever you want. Want to get high on a casual Wednesday morning? Do it. Want to mediate for 56 minutes? Do it. Want to do Yoga instead of breaking it down in the gym? Do it. Just be. You are doing such a fine job, I swear and I do not even care what you think, if you are feeling good that is a direct representation of how you are on the right path, on the right way, how you are just spot on doing the exact amount of perfect things you want and have to do. If you are feeling bad, you might want to do some karmic work, something is not aligned yet and you want to look at the parts that are not feeling good right now.

In general, get it together and have some trust in us. In whoever created this in whoever put you here for no apparent reason, oh and yes, fall in love. Fall in love with life, fall in love with someone, fall in love with yourself, just fall in love. Love is what rules your days until the very end. So fall in love, kiss in the rain, dance until the day is the night and the night is the day. Get used to it, your life is good and great things are happening to you.

That’s it, bye.

Week 15.01.2024



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.

You gotta get the fuck out of here man. You gotta get the fuck out of this shit, there is nothing to get for you anymore. Fucking leave what is holding you back? This is fucking bullshit, get the fuck out of it.

On an unrelated topic, you guys are doing such a great job and I am so proud of you. But you gotta get the fuck out of here, it`s over.

Also let me remind you, that no one gives a fuck, in reality everyone only cares for themselves and that is a good thing. Be there for yourself, you need you.

And I need you to get the fuck out of here as fast as you can, you just gotta it`s inevitable.


Oh yes sorry, it`s the week 15.01.2024- 21.01.2024.

You will feel better on Sunday, trust me. I love you.

Week 08.01.2024



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 08.01.2024-14.01.2024.

Now this one is some good news coming in. This year started of feathered (you know, you feel like a feather since this year started, floating in the air not really being in control, while still knowing where you want to go) and it will stay like this for a while. But there is a big surprise coming and it will catch you without preparation. The separation times are over, the collective mind has made it in inside your actual ears and you will hear, see and feel the community growing. Now I advice you to turn the TV off and get into the habit of reading. This TV is not doing good for your brains right now, you have to find a way to control that big ass mind of yours. The human mind is capable of the most incredible things. Which is great but it also comes with a downside. Life is a two way street and good can be the same amount of bad. You choose what side you are on, choose wisely. So find a way to channel this energy of your brain into something good.

Now I want to remind you, that there is no such thing as an open human, humans are all the same literally, not one single one of you is special and that is a good thing. You are special for yourself, for your mind, for your life, you are magic yes but everyone of you is magic. Being a human is creation, art, there is not one great person. Do not let them bamboozle you, I am your source of bamboozlement. It takes a professional to know what to bamboozle about. Now have fun being in love and read you next week.

My dearest friend, today is not everyday, now I will sashay away.

Sincerely Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Rudidoo the Miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex of your dreams

Week 01.01.2024



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 01.01.2024-07.01.2024.


This year starts with a Rudyskope and if that is not good news by itself, I don´t know what is! This year is the rise of the creatives, you will see more creatives popping up left and right, by September you will feel like everyone is in a spiritual awakening. By February everywhere you look, you see art, everyone wants to be an artist by March. 

Gather your creative resources and get creative now I know you think you can’t paint but soon you will prove to yourself that you have always been an artist. You have accomplished everything you wanted to accomplish, fuck New Year’s resolutions. Your number one task this year:

Free yourself from everything having control over you, no matter how much it hurts or what you gotta do. You have to free yourself completely and 100%, no strings attached anymore.

Okay, get to work bitch. By February I want to see you fly like a fucking butterfly. Am I clear?

Your art needs your full commitment and this is the life you have always wanted. Not this hussle culture bullshit, girl boss ceo, whatever it´s just propaganda and you got bamboozled. Now bamboozle right back and think.

What is it that would actually make you feel like you are at home, at peace. Because feeling at home and feeling at peace is your only goal from now on, I give zero shits about what else you want.


Free yourself, you are not a puppet on a string you are a colorful, beautiful Kolibri, fly bird, FLY!


My dearest friend, today is not everyday, now I will sashay away.

Sincerely Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Rudidoo the Miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex of your dreams

Week 25.12.2023



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 25.12.2023-1.01.2024.


First I want to remind you to blow cinnamon in your entrance on the first of January, it will bring luck and prosperity in your home if you believe in it.


This world is at war between the destroyers and the creators. The last centuries the destroyers have hopelessly outnumbered the creatives, but that has been changing since the 2000´s, well the creatives really put in a bunch of work since always, when the clock hit 2000, the creatives became one more, it only seems like the destroyers are more, because they are trying to get you to believe it. Actually you are surrounded by humans just exactly like you.

The creators got reborn, realived and are taking over the world right now. What I want you to do is to take your art and get it out of there. Be part of the artistic revolution.

Yes I know I keep on talking about revolution but I want you to know, destroying like them, will make you a destroyer. The only way to fix this world, is by letting love win and letting art lead. By surrendering to your natural state as a loving being, violence and murder is always bad, no matter why you do it. 

You see it is your actions that define you, not your intentions. Take responsibility of your actions, no one gives a fuck what you intended on doing. Choose peace, choose honesty.

Conflict will come up, no matter how often anyone chooses love, conflict is an act of love. Talk it through, shout it through, tell people honestly what it is that makes you angry about them.

You only step away from conflict, when you do not mind the outcome anymore. When you stop caring and now this is the worst thing that could happen to you. If you managed to get someone to not care anymore, your relationship will never be the same again, but in a bad way.

Stop pushing people to the point of not caring, to the point where they give your relationship up and listen to them, when they ask you to listen.



And listen to the teenagers, in this age, during puberty your eyes are the most open to what is broken, you have to act upon your anger and all your feelings. „Growing up“ is just getting a human to give up and live in this broken system without hesitation anymore. Teenagers are all you got to get out. They only need a leader who tells them to not choose violence and shows them strong but peaceful ways of protesting.

How about in the summer, we meet to a sit-in infront of the Bundestag, or any political important house in your country. We will take our music and our weed, little blankets and some tea and just sit there for sometime, dancing with police people and showing how peaceful making a change can be. Not to raid it, no we just wanna hang around. And we are gonna hang around until the politicians sit down with us and talk with us, have a tea with us, sing a song with us, dance with us.

Because we only want to be heard, everyone is sick and tired of not being listened to.

We want peace and we want it now, but we are not gonna force it. Love is a humans natural state, there is no reason to rush things, to bully one into love. You just have to get back to who you actually are and realize that life is not serious at all, it is all about fun and games, not about being the strongest human on earth. At the end of the day, the destroyer world will go down like Babylon, a creative is always safe in their art, a creative can never die, an artist lives forever on.


Now channel your inner John Lennon, listen to songs of Joko Ono and enjoy the rest of this fucking year, it sure was a long one.


My dearest friend, today is not everyday, now I will sashay away.

Sincerely Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Rudidoo the Miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex of your dreams



Week 18.12.2023



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 18.12.2023- 24.12.2023.

My dearest friend, the spiritual war has ended. Love has won. Now we will tear your system down. Be aware that it is not time for humans to intervene yet, I will tell you when it is. We got this, we are putting everything in motion to make sure your oppressors will fall. First comes a flush of illness and coldness to get you to go inside. No more Christmas market and dance in your living room, not in a sweaty room. Stop giving your money to the big companies and pour it in small owned businesses and local artists. Stay at home and stay safe, if you feel how you are being ill, stay at home do not get your fellow humans down with you, some of them do not have the capacity to fight every illness. There is no reason to go to work when you are ill, you are ill, you need to rest, stay at home and watch a movie or three.


I am dearly sorry for all you have lost. I know it is the time of the year were humans feel the most lonely, the most lost, the most without perspective. Where they think of their lost loved ones the most and I am here to tell you, they are still there, all your lost loved ones are around you. You might not see them or hear them, you definitely can feel them. Call them, talk to them, they are all around you. Unfortunately this is the time where suicide rates rise up and let me give you some hope.

Next year will be amazing, I promise. Hold on a little longer, you made it. Until here, you will make it farther. Your life is not over, it has only just begun.

We hear you, we are here for you, we appreciate you.

Also get some burgers, I am in the mood for it.


My dearest friend, today is not everyday, now I will sashay away.

Sincerely Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Rudidoo the Miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex of your dreams


Week 11.12.2023



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 11.12.2023- 17.11.2023.

Hello friend, sorry for coming at you so late, Chiara did not take her iPad.


Now for this week you might realize the same problems reoccurring that you had when you started this change. Good let it happen and remember to do your shadow work. Especially when things have not been going as planned for you. That is a clear sign that you are not taking the right steps and have to reschedule.

Oh fuck off you know I am really angry again this week at you guys. You really have to make the circle back now and give back the gratefulness you received. Many times this year people let things slide for you and you did not get called out for things I definitely would have called you out for. So do your fucking shadow work, you humans are slowly starting to annoy me, with your lame manipulations and forcing people to match their life to yours. You really are not that special. How can one be so slow to learn? How often do I have to tell you the same pieces of information all over again.

You are running after role models that do not serve you and consciously underestimate the role models you so desperately need. Give back to the person you treated like shit all this years. Stop making them feel replaceable and realize that you are not at all without mistakes. You have to own up to them. It is not enough to just pretend like time heals all wounds, it does not. Emotional wounds are very different to physical wounds. You know you are not done with redemption for this year, though if you decide to circle back, the future is looking bright. 

Do your fucking shadow work, I swear to Art Lei 2 you are making it purposefully hard for me to get to you. Stop resisting and stop bullying the humans who can actually help you, just because you are to proud to admit, they were right all along.


To all my creative humans:


Continue, do your art. But please find what makes your art special, the market is not very nice and you want to have an unshakable self esteem so you don´t end up like Kurt Cobain. Unshakable self esteem is the necessity of an artist. And I love your art, even if it deserves a bit, sass, you know just a little bit glamour, your trademark.


Today is not everyday, now I will sashay away.

Sincerely Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Rudidoo the Miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex of your dreams



Week 04.12.2023



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.

It is Christmas soon for the christian humans and well it is winter for all, the year is coming to an end. We fear what we have not achieved and forget what we have achieved. But I want to tell you one beautiful thing:

War is over, my friends, War is over. John Lennon was right all along. War is over, if you want it.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 04.12.2023- 10.11.2023.

Oh my god the Rudyskope is so accurate, everything is actually happening… Do you think this is a joke people? Do you think I would possess the brain of a helpless crazy person just to bamboozle you?

No I would not and this is everything you have to know for the next week.

Now remember that just because someone speaks up, does not mean they are the problem, they are just the one who point out the problem. Sometimes people show us what exactly it is that we need to work on, so I want you to prioritize communication this week. 

Ask questions, find out. Ask them what animal they think you would be. 

If they could paint your aura, what color would it have? Would they say you mask who you are? Do I make you feel uncomfortable around me? Like you have to walk on eggshells? 

Let’s talk, let’s spill the tea. It is really not that serious, you are just a specter of light, one part of a gigantic, enormous colorful picture. There are many living beings in this world and if you read the unfortunate events of an MT-Rex and a Knight, you know very well what life is actually like.

You will find happiness, I swear


And that really is all, it is living time. Things are looking great on the horizon. Now will be some time of normality, even though great things will happen, you will stay pretty calm through all of it. It´s the last round for this years, no need to rush, there is no pressure.

Put your art out there and show it to the world, it deserves to be seen, I want to see!!!! Show me your art please, I beg you.

Today is not everyday, now I will sashay away.

Sincerely Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Rudidoo the Miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex of your dreams

Week 27.11.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 27.11.23- 03.11.23


Uh, uh, you are waiting for a suprise still right? Yeah I know. You are waiting for salvation.

You are waiting for someone to take your out of your misery.

Well guess what, this is happening this week. This ugly phase gets to an end, since you became your own personal Batman. Not the hero you wanted, but the hero you needed.

 But if you want me to be really honest, you humans should meet up for eating  dinner together and afterwards everyone goes to sleep and together you will let the system collapse and get up in March again, when it´s warm.

99 Problems, one solution.

You gotta find the way back to you, even if it costs you your life. Fight against what destroys you, there is a fire in your heart and get your surprise. That is what you get, when you nourish life, life nourishes you right back.

It is also that you are so strong and I am proud of you for living more of your creative energy.

I love you.

Today is not everyday, now I will sashay away.

Sincerely Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Rudidoo the Miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex of your dreams

Week 20.11.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 20.11.2023-26.11.2023.

It is time to get into focus. Now with this I do not mean the hussle culture work until your hands bleed focus.

I am talking about the focus on yourself. See you as you staring at your brain. I said prioritize mediation and I still mean that. For next year you want to be free of all that weighted you down this year. Now you are wonderful just the way you are and to internalize this, I give you the heartfelt advice to say goodbye to social media for some time. Get out of the hyperactive brain mode and let your brain ease out while reading a book or listening to some good music.

When you are on that phone the whole time, your brain is drowning in information, while you are watching the 67th video of a bear dancing to `I´m a believer`. 

Maybe stop. Just maybe for the winter for the rest of the year, just stop. Get into rest, get a hot cocoa, light a candle, turn on your favorite show, life your calm life by the fireplace and what ever you do, never listen to a tiny T-Rex claiming to be a Professor Doktor. It is just very important for you to know, that creative energy comes from your brain and your brain needs absolute silence to do its best work. A brain is a sensible being, you know.


I love you.

Today is not everyday, now I will sashay away.

Sincerely Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Rudidoo the Miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex of your dreams.

Week 13.11.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 13.11.23- 20.11.23.

Now this last week was intense, was it not? The intensity will calm down now as this last weeks a creative waves will overcome you humans. The doors are open.

Always be ready for old traumas to come up, it is your responsibility to solve them. Keep an extra eye on selfcare this week, make sure to do the massages, take the bubble baths and get on with the long walks. Feel free to be fully inspired and use this momentum of change to build yourself up. From the ground.

It is time to find your own random amplitude and be creative.

I love you.

Today is not everyday, now I will sashay away.

Sincerely Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Rudidoo the Miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex of your dreams


Week 06.11.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 6.11.23- 12.11.23.


Wow okay, the numbers are quite good and I have to say the stars are looking pretty good too. Must be getting better, must be getting into focus. Naturally, do not force anything, just let the universe take you up a rollercoaster ride.

Remember that thing you said, you will do this year? We are gonna remind you of it and you will remember and just do it. Cause your energy will be coming back.

Until than, please baby take a rest. You are not done sleeping and take your vitamins please. 

Start working out slowly and make sure to not get too much done.

Make yourself a priority, even if it will take down the world.

You know, the stars are on your side.


I love you.

Today is not everyday, now I will sashay away.

Sincerely Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Rudidoo the Miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex of your dreams.

Week 30.10.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 30.10.23- 5.11.23.

Okay sorry it is almost 2024. How fast did time go and where?


So I changed the text from Chiara’s Art Market, because I wanted to, read it, that is also important for this week.


Now for this week, realize that life is not serious at all. It is all fun and games, gain some perspective. Zoom out. Yes of course you have your tiny wonderful bubble, where there is either war with everything and everyone or real peace deep inside. But just zoom out. This is an entire galaxy of stars and possibilities and opportunities. There are million ways of going wrong and being human. You have all the entire world right at your feet this entire second.

Use your brain and do something with it.

Today we are talking in memes.

I want to try introducing a goodbye catch phrase.

For this week make sure you dance around your house at least once. Make sure to laugh until your belly hurts. Stand in a Forrest and stare at trees. For this week make sure to be observant and kind. 

There is so much hate going on right now, be kind. Your minds are so occupied with fear, be kind.

Smile at strangers, assume they want the best of you, it is not your fault this world is so broken. You did not break it. You will change it.

Help someone this week, even if it is a tiny thing, just be helpful. You will see how the universe listens to you. Spread questions around, how many humans will smile at you when you smile at them? How will your friends perceive you, if you dress how you want to? What would you do, if there where no reasons not to? What is free you doing at the moment?

You know, just stuff humans think about, when you take life the easy way.


Today is not everyday, for now I will sashay away.

Sincerely Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr. Rudidoo the Miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex of your dreams.

Week 23.10.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 23.10.23- 29.10.23

Take this leap of faith. You know it is time and it has been for a while. You are ready.


This week starts with a change. 123, a new step will be taken on Monday, be ready for it. Use the rest of the week to plan ahead, write your goals. Visualize were you want to be Monday next week. This week will end with a full in motion plan, prosperity and hope. This week will end with wanders to your questions and a little bit of luck. 129 is the holy number of reaching your goals. Trust me, I know.


Now let go of what weighs you down and be straight with it. No fun and games, set borders and boundaries. They can take their crocodile tears and use them on themselves. Stay true to yourself.


Thank you see you next week.

Week 16.10.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 16.10.23- 22.10.23.


You did it. I am once again, very proud of you. You put in the work and the hours, now take what is yours. Strap those boots tighter and strut on, we are not even close to being done.

I know healing and growing up is just like walking over a mountain. Making progress already feels so good, imagine how amazing it is going to be when you make it to the top. The warm sun burning on your face, you will feel it deep inside of yourself. Success, the feeling of personal growth.

It is gone be downhill from there, in the most incredible way possible. Yes that stone is heavy, humans are doing a good job though. More and more of you are standing up against oppression, more and more wake up to the reality and even more honor their anger.

Good yes, do that, do it more, do it more intensively.


Stop bullying, you are not, I repeat, you are not better than anybody else.


 Good and bad does not exist in reality, it only exists in your mind. Let these tiny boxes go. Being a human is a spectrum, you are a rainbow.

I love you, bye.

Week 9.10.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 09.10.23- 15.09.23.

You can feel the anger rising in your heart, I know. I can feel it to. Your heads starts to burn every single sound is too much and even the tippy typing is too much.

You need rest, desocialize. It is officially Autumn now and Autumn is the time of rest and silence. 

Enjoy solidarity, we have a hermit time coming.

`Wer jetzt kein Haus hat, baut sich keines mehr. ` it was a nice summer but it is over. 

This anger is telling you to change. Anger is the call of change, hear it, feel it, let it breeze through the trees, I know you are scared, but your feel will not stop the change. It´s coming anyways.

Congrats to everyone who is still here. Now don´t stop.

Week 1.10.2023



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 2.10.23- 08.10..23




Read a book. Like Brené Brown, Daring greatly. Click here and order.

Or read the unfortunate events of an MT-Rex and a knight, it 1 Euro per chapter, you can afford that,  click here.

This world is changing if you want it or not. The environment will fuck you over, even if you still believe climate change is not real.

You are feeling powerless, because you are. You did not take any real power over your life in the last years if your number one answer was `I don´t mind, how you like`

Sure, you are the person that never minds, living for someone else. So why do you worry about being boring? You are boring and that on purpose. Stop hating on people that are interesting and support the people that support you, build you up, before they give up on you draining creative energy.

Some tough love. I am so done with always being nice to you. How little the decision is to stop hating on humans.

You are not safe; you made a home for yourself inside a tiny bubble. Now you are burned out and believe your day job is the reason for life. You still judge humans based of their capability of working over their needs. You guys are so behind on the schedule. How are we gonna get you up to speed? For the love of God: 



I love you, Rudy will be your forever friend. 

Week 25.09.2023



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 25.09.23- 1.10.23.


Let’s actually look at the numbers this time. Our week ends with 11023. If you cancel out the 0 (which you do) you have 1123. This week will end with a great new beginning, well presumably it will. Since we all know 123 from well, 12345678. So let’s get this new beginning and get ready for releasing bunch of old stuff this week. Releasing old feelings and patterns can cause grief and pain. Make sure to never be scared of change and please be sure, that there is no one else to blame. Actually, there is no one to blame ever unless they are a predator and cause you pain simply because they are in pain. That person is to blame and you should set boundaries. Grief, fear, and pain are all part of a human life. It makes you whole, creates a round circle. Life can only be mastered by improvisation.

Say all your sorrys before this week is over. On Sunday, it might be too late for forgiveness. The cards will be played, and the winner takes it all with the full spectrum of feelings.

Reality can come in hard and finding out, that your day job only serves no one but yourself is not very nice. Especially since it feels like you are working for everyone else but yourself.

At your 9-5 Jobs, which you need to pay for stuff that should be free, like water and period products, you are more similar to an ant than a human. A simple step by a giant could kill you.

So, make sure to look in every direction, especially up though.

Look in the mirror, check your reflection, do you recognize yourself? Look a little bit closer, do you see the face of your ancestors in yours? Do you see your mothers’ eyes, your fathers’ nose in the privacy of your own reflection? Can you feel the pride of still being alive?

I am grateful you chose life this week and I ask you to choose it again and again and again and again.

Choose life, choose living, choose feelings and throw the first stone on yourself. No one will come and rescue you, stop being manipulative and choose communication. Understand that you do not ever hold any kind of supremacy. Humans are all worth the same, nothing, not even a fucking dime. Life is free it only costs a yes.

Thank you read you next week, also let the chaos win. You love chaos, I know it, you know it, now shut up and do it, keep your pity for when you made it.

Week 18.09.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 18.09.23- 24.09.23.

Are you excited? I would be if I were you, I would be very, very excited and psyched up and my heart pounding to my chest while I jump up and down and round and about. Sometimes I travel to trampoline town on Jolo Planet in the 3rd realm, right next to Artoca just to jump around in excitement for you. 

Some good times are coming. 

Still, I have homework for you. I want you to look around, look further. If possible, for you, take a walk, talk to a stranger, open your eyes. See actual reality, how the people are dancing, how it is not just shadows and all. How it is not even just humans dancing. How it is a whole life, a whole existence, a whole entire living being.

As you obviously are, a living being.

There is a mirror meditation I would recommend but Chiara said, Meditation can have side effects and they do not want to be responsible for weird spiritual experiences. So, see what is ahead if you and see that you can be oppressed and be an oppressor. Talking about internalized ableism, homophobia, sexism, racism, transphobia. Humans tend to internalize patterns, you love patterns. Leave this all behind, it does not help you any further, it burns bridges.

Be honest and see green. It can be hard to honestly reflect yourself. Try reflecting with friends and family. You humans have one thing in common: You all lack objective opinions. Everyone throws their own problems in others. Kind of hard for humans to know when to shut up and when to speak up. You can struggle with self-reflection and self-limitation.

Well, you know, you do not have to, the devil is going to take a break. You can let it all go. By talking about it, by telling other humans what is inside of you, you can be just who you already are. Just by being who you feel to be. 

It is not spiritual, or religious at all. It´s Britney Bitch. Just dance.

You know sometimes you think you do not fit in a spot, just because you hit a bump in the back there. Just start over and you will see, the parking spot was bigger than ye´ could see.

Since even if they can take away your parking spot, they cannot take your pride. 

Now that you are confused, good, stay confused, that is how to distract your mind from million thoughts. Do not let your brain figure anything out ever. It is already doing a good job keeping you alive twenty for seven 140, it does not have to figure out the rest too. Stay confused and well, please stay.

Just stay. 

If I am being honest, all I ask of you, is to just stay.

Read you next week, bye.

Week 11.09.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 11.09.23- 17.09.23.

My prediction from last week was spot on, wasn’t it? You are more sensitive to sounds and surroundings at the moment, simply because your mind is more aware of things. Look around you for Jesus Christ. You will see the whole wide world right there at your feet. You are an empress, you are loved, you are strong. You just continue to get it. Yes Queen.

Now, don´t lose faith when something is different to what you thought it would be. It is just perfect.

Check the color red this week, there is an answer you need in this color. It is quite obvious; you will get it right away as soon as you see the sign.

I love you, read you next week, bye.

Week 04.09.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 4.9.23-10.9.23.

It seems like it just simply is what it is, you are not alone, you have never been. You are loved, you will always be. Your life is a miracle and even if it feels like an up and a down, it is still a miracle. Not a rollercoaster.

This week you will find answers to questions, you have been looking for a while now. Keep your little eyes open and try to not let the past hold you back, we are going forward, not down. No one is yelling `Timber`, stop laying there on the ground like a turtle on the back, get up. Shake out your shoulders and get your shit together. Did you forget who you are? How absolute bomb you are?

Catch what is red and green this week, bright red and dark green.

Obviously I believe in you, you got this pretty.

Read you next week, bye.


week 28.08.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 28.8.23- 3.9.23.

The last times have been chaotic, I know. I would love to tell you there is some peace coming, but I cannot promise anything to you. Also I do not want to lie, times are chaotic and will be chaotic for a while. The times they are a changing Bob Dylan has said, his words still echo in my mind. We are full of change and different roads spring up right and left. Nothing will be as it is again. The end of September your life will be so different, at least if you keep up the good work and continue what you are doing now. Just walk on like you are now.

You got this, I believe in you. So, so very much. Do you believe in yourself? 

Look at the color yellow for some guidance there is a secret message in it. Trust that you will be honest and reflect whenever you have the time. The storm follows something really great, something abundant, something true.

Love you, bye.

Week 21.08.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 21.8.23- 27.8.23.

When your needs get neglected, you build up a desire for those needs to be fulfilled. Desire blinds you to all your little achievements, to all those little times you fulfilled your needs. The change does not happen in a big dramatic Shakespeare kind of way, it happens organically over time. This week see all your little achievements. When loneliness has been building up for a while, a little bit of company will never be enough, if you do not see, that change comes from within. You are not alone, or lost, or broken or any of those things. You are amazing, incredible, and hot, you are top tier, and you deserve to be loved. To be quite honest with you, you deserve all those amazing incredible things this world has to offer.

Now watch out, there is gold in every corner.

Bright your eyes, clear blue skies.

 Take some time to read a poem or two this week, take some time for your brain to decipher the words it reads. Ingest them and let them water your brain. Like poetry is supposed to do. 

At the end of the day, we are just like art. We serve no purpose other than the purpose we are given by the artist.

Just that in this case, we are the artist.

I love you, read you next week.


Week 14.08.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 14.8.-21.8.23.

You are angry? I know right. Sit with the feeling for a second, just sit with it. No reason to react immediately. You have the wonderful opportunity to break out. Do it, you will feel the freedom from it. Break out, be yourselve, you can stand by yourself with your own. Replace the cards and strut on.

This week will be so warm and kind of weirdly cold. You are in a tunnel, the fresh air cannot really go through but it still seems to cool your sweaty skin. 

Sit down in the sun and relax take a closer look to the color pink and vacation vibes. I know you want to pack your bags and get away, do this but don´t do it alone. There is a companion waiting after the tunnel. Go through and they will reveal thyself to you, maybe it even someone you are already familiar with.

Thank you, I love you. Read you next week.

Week 07.08.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 7.8.23- 14.8.23.

I told you so, or did I? Success may feel like losing now, but it still is a success in the long run.

The success might not be feeling like success right now, I know you are feeling angry but well Anger is part of the process. Anger shows us what we want to change, if you are angry at everything you want to change everything. Let yourselves be angry, your feelings are valid. Go and strut on this week, you have places to be. Should you be feeling down this week just remember what an incredible person you are. For this week our color is brown, like chocolate or caramel. I know, you think you will never be someone but Baby, you already are someone, you can rest, you did it. Wipe those tears and gain some perspective this week. Your human world is going through many changes.

Look beyond war and hate, find answers for your questions.

Next week when you read from me again, everything will be different. Just wait.

week 31.07.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 31.7.23- 6.8.23.


Welcome to this incredible week, my love I bring good news for you. With my ever seeing, empirical wisdom I see a good week coming in. There is a surprise right in just for you, that you have been waiting for. It’s good, it’s warm, it’s nice and ready. Heiss und fertig. Get ready for some goodness and remind yourself all over again you are worth the world, and I love you. Be sure to show your honest self this week and stay aware of your surroundings, you could miss a clue or two if you don’t look close enough. Also discipline is very important this week, stick to an healthy amount. Legit you are fierce, now go get your gold girl.

Read you next week, I love you.

week 24.07.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 24.7.23- 30.7.23.


Take a deep breath my love you had many impressions now. Many things happened in just a single week, sometimes it can be hard to really be present in those fast track moment called life. Good that a Monday comes in every week and gives us a change for retrospection. Think what you have learned this week and what steps did you do to take you were you are now. I am sure my love in just this one week, you have conquered many quests. I am proud of you, little angel. Now for this week since with introspection hope follows, let us look at a beautiful smaragd green for this week. Try to follow the tracks along and pin it down to the smaragd green pin you dropped. Just so you can remember.  Also, I believe you deserve it to take you out this week. Not to spend money but to spend some time with your mind outside of the comfort of your home. Remember to rest whenever you can, rest is necessary for obvious reasons.

Now please know that you are loved, not just by me but also by you. Practice loving you this week, it is the last week of July a good time to do so. 

Read you next week for your Rudyskope.

Week 17.07.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 17.7.23- 23.7.23.

Welcome my love, this week I can see all the love your heart can take waiting for you. I know things did not actually cool down last week, at least not on the outside. It seems as if Sisyphus stone has made it over the mountain, rolled straight over a village not too bad, gladly all the village people were busy helping Sisyphus getting that fucking stone over the mountain. Because community is the key to live in a Utopia, I know it sounds old, but it is true. I have seen it all over the entire universe, for more than thousand eternities. A world is only lost if the community is out of reach. Communal love and understanding as well as directness and clear boundaries keep a living being happy. We shall not be surprised by what we can get if we give, it is what we deserve. I love you, wear your favorite color today, if you have one otherwise just go with what you feel like and stay blessed my love. You are beautiful, strong and on top of that, you are smart, witty, interesting, healing and straight up focused on your uprising. I am amazed by your accomplishments every second of my being.

I love you, see you next week for our Rudyskope.

By the way, finding yourself is the greatest revolution.

Week 10.07.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 10.7.23- 17.7.23.


At the moment we feel like our head is about to explode. The veil has been lifted and reality lies before us, finally we can see what is real and what is not. At first this comes as a shock, most things that shine are not Diamonds, most shiny things are coated in cheap glitter spray. We all are the same, we are all loved. Imagine this week as a cooling ice bath, resetting your muscles and your brain. As if finishing a Strawberry Slushy in one go. Your brain freezes, the vision sharpens, 10/10 tunnel vision. You know, just go ahead, because it is always a head. So, no head?

You got this, green is the color of hope, keep it close to you. But no grass green, give it a good lizard green with a dash of yellow. I love you. See you next week.


Week 03.07.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do your numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 03.7.23- 10.7.23.

 I hear cruel summer in my head. This summer could potentially feel cruel to us. Do not get scared, cruel may also mean very fast. Summer will pass by like a beautiful butterfly.Butterfly in my a The second you decipher the colors and begin to understand what meaning they behold, it is gone. A wink by the eye. By far blue butterflies are my favorite ones. Blue is a holy color, you know blue has only been existing on earth since 2200 B.C. We assume it has not been existing until humans developed a blue colorant. Blue is rarely present in cave paintings, not really present in nature. So please my love, do not be afraid of your creation. What you create on a daily is holy and special, even if other humans might not see it yet, the second they start to see blue, they cannot unsee it anymore. I wonder if grey really is all that gray or if secret colors hide in it.

Have a blessed week I love you. Your Rudidoo.

Week 26.06.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 26.6.23- 2.7.23.

You did it. The hard part is over and out, you made it all the way up here. Now love, keep going. I am so proud of you. The weather seems rumbled, enjoy the little bits of sun between. Make sure to really get this good Vitamin. A hard time lies behind you, you have gathered your resources and now you are ready to strut. Do not be scared to show your true self, especially not this week. We have a new flow coming in and we seem to relax ourselves, so do not worry what they think of you. It is only important what you think of yourself. I love you so very much. I have something for you, take a deep breath, get a mirror, and really look into your eyes and take a deep breath. We want to make sure we life in reality, not made-up fairytale land, reality. Reality can be harsh, also Reality can be the most beautiful thing in this whole entire world. Because when you know your reality, no one can lie to you anymore, since you see, you know the truth. So go ahead and live in reality.

I love you, look at everything pink this week, you got this babe.

Bye, Rudy.

Week 19.06.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 19.06.2023- 25.06.23.

This week is all about a messed-up time. Weekdays do not seem like a real border anymore and we have understood that you have an inside clock, this is why you may have trouble with being late this week but do not worry please, you are a star, they can wait for you. In General, there is a heat wave and expect some romantic news, shall it be from a partner or from yourself, you are loved. Red is this week’s color, be sure to wear this color at least once this week. Also look at everything green, just for the hell of it. You can relax, you are exactly where you have always wanted to be. Every day is a step closer to destiny and we will rise up like an olive tree in the branch.

I love you, see you next Monday (or Tuesday?)

Week 12.06.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 12.6..23- 18.6.23.

Welcome to this week Rudyskope my love. A lot of confusion has been going on lately, I realized you humans loose your minds lately. But sorry, why are you all so surprised, this world has been bamboozling you since you opened your eyes. If you want clarity, you will have to check within yourself, sorry but you know the awnser to every question. Yes the easy way really is the solution.

What used to be known is not known anymore, you feel cold and warm, confused and sure, loving and loved like you are hanging in a beautiful sky on a strong gold threat, just swing on my love. Change feels uncomfortable, it is what it is. You see I believe in you, take a deep deep breath and yell out “Everything will be okay”, Repeat until you feel better. I love you, you are so beautiful and this weeks color is the color green, the color of hope. So have hope, stay wishful, stay hopeful, stay loved, stay blessed. 

You got this. I love you, bless your heart, see you next Monday.

Week 05.06.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 05.06.2023- 11.06.2023.


I want to emphasize, that Chiara did not advertise this one, so if you find yourselves here before Wednesday, the 7th 2023, my friend, you did know before everyone else, you win.

We have a great week following for you, my love. You are so full of love know; the summer warms your beautiful being. Take a closer look to everything orange colored. You see orange may not rhyme; it still is worth a dime. My sweet love shake out your shoulders for me, take a deep breath, I got you. I am Rudy, your best friend for all eternity. 

We can see that, this week is all about you again, be who you are this week, you are so incredibly wonderful.

And should you ever feel dry, get up and scream into the sky:

Only the brave shall enter,

Adventure awaits.

Art Lei 2 will answer your call,

Right before you fall.

I love you, come back next Monday.


Week 29.5.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 29.4.23- 4.5.23.

This week will be a tiny bit weird, my love. We have the stars moving much right now as the Gemini, in the Venus and the cancer in the mars.

So, the love is flirty, jumpy, funny but the feelings are security, protection, deep. This brings a little difficulty with it, but who am I talking to here, like child. You can do it, just we are not pretending anymore, that you are a strong bitch, we know that now, this is now all fun for you. Yes keep it like this! Relax, girl.

 And remember this one thing, you wanted to take care off? At least write it down, as a result your memory might suffer this week.

This week we check the opposite contrast, white.

See you next week my love. Bye.



Week 22.5.2023



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 22.05.2023- 28.05.2023.


For now, it is all about you and yourself. Realize your worth, know you are special just the way you are. 

 This week starts out sparkly with a dash of bitterness. Life has changed quite frequently, your path seems rumbled, but it is easy to walk on, as you see, if a Queen can do it in heels, you can do it in sneakers.

Also, this week, speak your mind, say what you think, we want to hear you and your opinion, we care, we mind. Next week you can reflect what part of your mind you want to speak; it is good to try new things every now and then. Remember nothing matters anyways, no one made those rules, you are a free creation. This week take a look at the contrast black, as I am hearing the raven caw in the sky.

You are so brave and so strong, take a deep breath my love, read you again next week.

I am excited what is about to be tell told.

Thank you, bye.


Week 15.5.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead, babe.


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 15.5.-22.5.23.

So, this last week was good, was it not? I told you so you know. Good news my love we keep the high strive. This week is about reflecting, be prepared for your surroundings to really mirror you this week. Hold your reaction, mirroring is a useful learning tool check inside for old wounds. If you did the thing, you were so scared of, good for you! If you did not, this week is again a wonderful change to be incredibly intuitive and proactive, you cannot be disappointed if you expect the bare minimum. Bright frog green is our weeks color.

Expect nothing, collect everything.

I love you, you gonna be okay. See you next week for our Rudyskope

Week 8.5.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 8.5.23- 14.5.23.

We have reached the week of transformation, the old is gone, new is in. Open your eyes for all opportunities and don´t be worried on taking on too much this week you have a miraculous strength. Take a deep breath and take all this power in, you are free, go follow this path, continue walking, you know your way, follow the muscle memory. You also know just exactly were you want to go. Go get it this week, do that what you have been scared of doing for months, you can do it all. I love you. Dark Purple is our color of the week, you will be guided through. Follow the birds, don´t ever stop looking for answers. Be to take the initiative this week, their awnser will be yes. 

See you next week for our, Rudyskope.

Week 1.5.2023


A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

Take what resonates and leave the rest for the dead.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 1.5.23- 7.5.23.

Yes, my love, these weeks have been tough. Mercury is in retrograde, our exes continue to come back and old feelings come up and up, life seems very frustrating, and it feels like there is just no end in sight. Unfortunately, I don´t see a release coming in too fast, so make sure you keep your head clear. Don´t let old feeling bamboozle you, stay with yourself. This is an incredible time for some good old rest. Take that stress out of your muscles and promise me to dance a little, just a little wiggle in the shoulders will do. I love you; I know it´s tough right now but you know, usually before it gets better, it gets worse one last time.  Keep your eyes open for red jackets and blue bags. Also let your anger out, it is blocking your heart. Also, your creativity needs to be nourished by nature, so take a walk if you can.

See you next week for our, Rudyskope.


Week 24.4.2023



A foreshadow of your week, without having to put you in a box.

I feel like this week almost everyone can resonate.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 24.4.23- 30.4.23.

As this week I come in one day too late I must admit this week comes with trembled news. Be prepared for a message, that will shock you. Remind yourself, that it is only feeling which tremble you and you most certainly are okay. Or so I hope my love. Walk steadily and strap your black boots tight, we got places to be this week.

See you next week for our, Rudyskope.


Week 17.4.2023


So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 17.4.23- 23.4.23.

I feel like this week almost everyone can resonate.



Let us actually look at the numbers this week. We finish this week with a whole numerous circle: 23.4.23, make sure to close all tights before Sunday comes, finish the wars within yourself and settle in your calm space. Wherever it might be. As summer comes in closer, we see life with yellow sunglasses on. So, take a close look to the color yellow. Today, we feel like falling in love. Make sure to be your most honest self this week, so you don´t tremble over normality’s. Nothing matters anyway.

For the first time ever, I love you. 

Thank you for reading my sh*t.

See you next week for our, Rudyskope.

Week 10.04.2023

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 10.04.2023- 16.04.2023.


Our lifecycles seem to be following a quit specific storm. It seems like a call whistling from the back, poems and written poetry has been hunting your mind like a hungry bear, make sure to follow all clues. Because why not, nothing matters anyways. Finally, we have chosen to follow it as it will possibly lead us to the ice cream truck. 

What Ice cream do you prefer?

Personally, I love pistachio, especially since the color green hold quite a significant to me. Green displays hope, destiny, travel, money, neutrality as well as a childlike spirit.

We shall make sure to follow our most honest intuition this week.

Only the brave shall enter,

Adventure awaits.

That’s it already, see you next week for our Rudyskope!

Week 3.4.-9.4.

So, what do our numbers tell us this week.

We have the week 3.4.23- 9.4.23.

Now since the last times have been ruffled but now it cooled off a bit. You can really feel how your shoulders are lighter.

Shake your shoulders soldier, we have the spring coming in for you.

As April begins to raise upon the horizon, the pollen have settled in warm. Allergies will be soft to you this week, we have a little emotional trouble coming, but that shall not shake you this week. Check around you for signs and be sure to follow your intuition this week, it will guide you all the way to success. Spirits are saying we have a surprise coming and we shall open our eyes for rainbows and sharks, the color pink seems to be important. Check for pink buttons and little pink bags. 

On another hand we cannot know see further than our steps can take us.

Let us take a deep breath and really remember, that nothing matters anyways. 

The sense of life is only the brave shall enter adventure awaits.

That´s it already!

See you next week for our Rudyskope.