
Your theme is changing the world? You love chaotic, innovative stories? You want to read something new? Something that is gonna make you say: What the actual fuck did I just read and why did it change the way I view the world?

You just screamed yes to all of it? Well, my friend, you need my books (apparently)

A pirates poems

Just a simple poem collection. In German, English and Italian.

Die unglücklichen Ereignisse (Missgeschicke)

Eine Buchreihe über unglückliche Ereignisse verschiedenster Wesen. Abenteuer die von Zeitreisen, Erwachsen werden, Liebe und Tod erzählen.

The unfortunate events (misshappenings) series

The unfortunate events of a dinosaur and a knight.


The first book of the unfortunate events series is by far the most intense. We follow the two best friends Knight Sam and Rudy the Dinosaur through the universe.


Since the war on her home planet, Sam has not felt joy in a long time. When she sees her sign in the sky a rainbow without rain, she just has to leave. Accompanied by Rudy her best friend they live through 12 adventures creating unfortunate events everywhere they go.

Together they sit through the revolution on earth in year 2036, fight Stefano Trabajo and learn valuable lessons about hate, love and forgiveness.


Will Rudy find his beloved Duck? Will Sam be able to let go of the hate? And what will the revolution on planet earth smell like?


All this questions will be answered.

 Available on Amazon prime without shipping costs.