Poem collections

A pirate`s poems

Poem collection by Scurro

Different poems in German, English and Italian. A lot of critique against the system specifically the medical system since I was a nurse for two years.

Die Geschichten aus euren Augen

Geschichten von einem Spirituellem Medium aus den Augen 14 verschiedener Menschen.

14 Kurzgeschichten, sehr spirituell und augenöffnend, hilft auf den richtigen Weg zurück zu deiner Seele zu kommen.

Self- Help type books

It was Wednesday, my bonita

Collected Columns from March 2023- March 2024

Very gay, a lot of personal growth, how I fought depression and found a way to live on the spectrum.

A Punk on the run

Collected columns from June 2024- December 2024

Talking to God and multiple different entities, a lot of dating stories and two times America travels such as one summer full of working. How I woke up to my brains struggles and found a way to live outside of survival mode.


Sorted in: How to ... but like with minimal effort; How to master the art of ...

This will safe you from your struggles.



The first part to the book "me" both epilogues to the book "you and me"
About love and heartbreak, her view on a twisted and triggering situation. About running away faster than you can, about fearing men and saying things you never meant. About self growth and growing from a girl to a woman.


It's the same short but intensive love story the second part.

The second part to the book "you" both epilogues to the book "you and me"
About love and heartbreak, his view on a twisted and triggering situation. About getting the girl you love the most in the world to be back in your life, about anger towards her and saying things you never meant. About self growth and growing from a boy to a man.

The story of life and death

How two beings that could not be more different fell in love at the beginning of time and will love each other until time has no more meaning.

Superhero coded

Pissboy and Frank

Two superheroes live in one apartment, one is super privileged and always gets what he want but is a fucking idiot and one trying to stick to a moral high ground who constantly finds himself having to compromise to safe his roommate Pissboy.

Kapitäns Logbuch

Sammlung der Erlebnisse in einem unbekannten Land über einen Kontinent entfernt. Kapitänin Chiara muss eine wichtige Mission erfüllen. Wird sie es schaffen?